Wednesday, August 29, 2012

to climb on top.

     Well to make note on the work. Together with Elder Tzep (native from guatemala) we are heading into quite a battle! The work is going to be tough but it will be quite rewarding if we can climb ontop! PLease keep me in your prayers and in your hearts! AS you are all always in mine :)
Really the mission is changing my life, the situations placed before me, and what it takes to climb ontop :) To do the will of the Lord is everything! :)
Love you all! More than you can all imagine!!
 We will be learning as we go, but praying even harder to recieve guidance and strength here. The Ward is not the strongest, but we understand that and we have begun to work with the bishop, and Hno. Estrada to do all we can to strengthen and help rescue the ward. Like today, for p-day we are going out with the bishop, to get to know more the Area and all we can do to strengthen it here. Along with that we are striving to obtain the new standard of 5 new fechas and 5 in sacrament meeting. Working our hardest for the people here and how we can help bring the gospel of Jesus Christ into their lives. Elder Tzep is a champ. Love the Mission. take care-
from Lassande, from the battle ground -
-ELder Tucker

Monday, August 6, 2012

morning morning!

Morning Morning! :)
      How is everyone doing?? repoting from Panamà this morning! As for the mission we are doing good, seeking and looking for improvement, but that comes little by little. Keep me in your prayers as I continue in this great work!
     Well this past week, we have spent a bunch of time with our Ward Mission Leader, who was set apart last night as a Missionary. He will be headed to Dominican Republiuc for the MTC, then to Puerto Rico to serve. He is a stud. Someone I have learned alot from. some very important things, and it came from his actions. Someone I know will be a great Missionary. A 21 year old Engineering student who has put his life on hold to be a Servant of the Lord. I love it. The Mission is incrdible!
     As for me, I am doing good. Fingers still in recovery, but don´t worry. Middle finger free and in the air, healing well. Index finger still sleeved and recovering, but doing good :) Patient needing process, but doing great! Doctor today :) hope for stiches out soon! .so there is the update!
     Well I love you all. I have been putting a lot of effort in to grow spiritually lately. and have been loving it! When I read and study, its about applying it directly into my life today. Putting the advice or principle learned directly to work. Its Very powerful. and I love it!
Love you all! hope for the best. Praying lots for each of you :) your son, and brother,
-Elder Tucker